Jon Warner

Jon Warner

07 Dec


Anthem is a world and story that has lived inside of my heart and mind for a long while. Two and a half years ago, we revealed Anthem at E3. And last night, we finally shared more about our story with a new trailer at The Game Awards. Seeing the amazing reactions was a much needed reminder of why we work so hard.

Speaking of working hard…while a small group of us were in Los Angeles, our teams back home in Austin and Edmonton were heads down getting ready for our Closed Alpha playtest. There’s been a lot of excitement for it, and I’d like to give everyone a little more context around what we’re doing with this playtest and what a player will experience.

We conduct playtests to ensure the key systems and technology that power the game will hold up when we launch. For this one specifically, we are focusing on load balancing and scale testing our servers and matchmaking. We will be focusing the time windows of the playtest to give you the best opportunity to experience a ...

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